let us explain…
Why beeswax wraps?
Two main reasons; to cut down on plastic waste AND to reduce food waste. Beeswax wraps are not only a substitute for plastic wrap but also to help your food stay fresher longer. All ingredients are antimicrobial and antibacterial, this helps your food stay fresh so you have more time to eat it. Also it is slightly breathable so it allows moisture to move away from your food not trapping in the bacteria.
How do I use my wraps?
Remove from package and they are READY to go! To be used directly on fruit, veggies, bread and cheese. Any time you would reach for a ziplock bag or plastic wrap you can substitute with Planet Wrap. You can also use on glass and ceramic bowls with leftovers so you don’t have to do as many dishes. Place on top of any bowl and press around onto sides, using the heat of your hands and some pressure it will seal onto the bowl.
What are my wraps made of?
100% cotton, locally sourced beeswax, jojoba oil and tree resin.
Where does the wax come from?
All of our wax is locally sourced from around Calgary, most of our wax comes from Greidanus Honey Mill in High River, Alberta.
How big are the wraps that come in a pack?
We sell the wraps in a variety pack - 1 each of 7x7 inches, 10x10 inches and 13x13 inches
How do I clean my wraps?
The are very antimicrobial and can be rinsed with cold water and when needed just a little mild dish soap.
What are the benefits of using beeswax wraps?
There are 2 purposes for this product - reducing plastic waste and also reducing food waste. The reduction of plastic waste is the obvious one but reducing food waste not so obvious. The wraps allow your food to breath and also because of what we put into them they actually have a preservative effect on your food.
My wraps are stiff and aren’t sticking very well, what can I do?
Please do not worry! Sometimes the wraps just need a bit of time to warm up to you. The more they are used the stickier and more pliable they become. If you haven’t used them in a while they can be a bit dry, we recommend turning on your toaster and holding your wraps over the heat (careful not to melt). This will sort of “refresh” them. Remember that they stick best to themselves and glass and ceramic. If you are trying to stick to plastic or metal you will need to make a little tucked edge so it can stick to itself.
How long can I use my wraps?
They should last a year or more as long as they are treated with love, we have some that are almost 2 years old and going strong.
Can I put my wraps in the dishwasher?
No, please wash the wraps by hand with cool water and if you feel neccesary a bit of mild dish soap. The wraps will last longer the less you use heat and soap on them.
Can I use my wraps in the microwave?
Not unless you want to enjoy a nice bowl of wax filled leftovers! Please do not heat your wraps in the microwave or use to cover food, it will melt.
Where can I get more wraps?
We have many pop up locations throughout the year. Check out our Contact Us page for more information. You can also purchase our wraps online here starting January 2020.
What do I do when my wrap is at the end of its life?
If you feel that your wrap has served you well, you can cut it into strips and put it in your compost. ALL ingredients are biodegradable.
Will my food smell like beeswax?
No the flavour will not transfer over from the wrap to your food, if you are worried the wrap will start to taste like the food you are wrapping it is not an issue EXCEPT with onions, we have a specific "onion wrap" at home just for that purpose.